A photo blog of pictures from India.

Monday, October 23, 2006

No Pints for Guessing :) It is the Minerate of the Taj Mahal


Blogger backpack_everyday said...

thats an intersting shot

11:43 PM

Blogger Mridula said...

Vibhor, thanks.

Vathsan, I am buying a new camera, a DSLR! I know it is not the equipment that matters but I am mighty excited. By NOvember end I will have a new camera if everything goes according to the plan.

12:18 AM

Blogger backpack_everyday said...

Mridula:Thats fantastic.A DSLR....Get with some $ GB memory or something so that you can take unlimited sets of High resolution photos..And pick up a wide angle lens if can squeeze the bugdet.Trust me it will be worth it.
Oh wat am I telling...Myself I don't have a camera on my own.Everytime I travel I borrow my friends digicam.....

11:14 PM

Blogger Mridula said...

Vthsan, the friend has the DSLR now in her possession and our tickets to sikkim are booked!

12:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic...love the clouds and the way the shot has been taken :)

12:16 AM

Blogger Mridula said...

Ah, it was such a hot july day and thanks a lot for your comment Akira.

12:50 AM


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